Improving Mediation Services for Women’s Access to Justice

Our partners in this project

2015 - 2016

The Improving Mediation Services for Women’s Access to Justice project, carried out in cooperation with the Consulate General of Netherlands’ MATRA Program, aims to increase women’s access to justice.

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The project, by covering legal mediation services, which is an alternative service for solving disputes, examines it from women’s perspective, whom are one of the most disadvantageous groups in Turkey. Within the scope of the project seeking to answer the question of whether mediation can be a solution for women’s access to justice, round table meetings and analysis of in-depth interviews were held with women civil society organizations and lawyers at İstanbul and Konya. An Assessment on Mediation in Women’s Access to Justice report has been published (available only in Turkish) and presented in a panel to relevant stakeholders in Istanbul.

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