Suna’nın Kızları Circles Meeting: Project Presentation

The organisations in the solution and support circles of Suna’nın Kızları, came together to talk about the projects they created in the first period and to make future plans. At the meeting, as a part of the research (support) circle, TESEV made a presentation on its Maps for Supporting Girls Project which is conducting with the Needs Map.


Suna’nın Kızları Circles Meeting: Tell Your Journey!

The organisations in the solution and support circles of Suna’nın Kızları, came together to update each other about ongoing projects. At the meeting, TESEV presented Project process and analysis results of TESEV made a presentation on its Maps for Supporting Girls Project which is conducting with the Needs Map within the research (support) circle.


Feedback Meeting: Maps for Supporting Girls

A roundtable meeting organized in order to receive feedback for the beta version of the digital platform prepared in the Maps for Supporting Girls Project which is conducting by TESEV with Needs Map under the umbrella of the research (support) circle of Suna’nın Kızları. Several representatives from public sector, local governments, civil society and academia working on children in Istanbul, (pilot city of the project) were present at the meeting. Following the presentations of the project team, it was discussed how to improve and use that digital platform for decision making processes with participants.


Project Closure Meeting // Mapping and Monitoring Social Sustainability and Democratic Governance: Urban95 Expanded

With an event held in Kadir Has University Cibali Hall on 16 December 2022, “Mapping and Monitoring Social Sustainability and Democratic Governance: Urban95 Expanded Project” conducted by Turkish Economic and Social Studies Foundation (TESEV) with the collaboration of the Kadir Has University Istanbul Studies Center and the support of the Consulate-General of the Kingdom of the Netherlands and Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands within the scope of MATRA program, was introduced to the representatives of metropolitan and district municipalities, universities and civil society organizations from Istanbul. In the first session of the event, Urban95 Project was introduced by TESEV Project Coordinator Dr. Bürge Elvan Erginli and “The evolution of urban data platforms in Turkey” was presented by Prof. Dr. Murat Güvenç, Director of Kadir Has University Istanbul Studies Center. Following the first Q&A session, a panel discussion themed “Looking at the data-driven policies from different perspectives” was moderated by TESEV Research Director Dr. Itır Akdoğan. The panellists Aysel Madra (Suna’nın Kızları Research Coordinator), Duygu Arığ (UNWomen Project Coordinator) and Özlem Gonca Yalçınkaya Akdağ (Department of Social Services of İstanbul Metropolitan Municipality, Project Coordinator) discussed how to benefit and inspire from digital tools that helps to make data driven decisions.


Support for the Implementation of Development Sensitive Migration Policies

The Support for the Implementation of Development Sensitive Migration Policies project, ran by International Center for Migration Policy Development (ICMP), and utilized by Directorate General of Migration Management and Ministry of Development and Labor and Social Security of the period, aims at creating development sensitive and long term immigration policies in Turkey.

2019-07-24T16:05:46+03:00, |

EU-Turkey Relations: Towards a Constructive Re-engagement?

This report is written by Aycan Akdeniz who is a political analyst at the Delegation of the European Union (EU) to Turkey. This report analyzes the “cautious optimism” elicited by the recent developments after a long period of stalemate in Turkey-EU relations. Written in a period after the opening of Chapter 22 through the lifting of the French veto and the publication of the 16. Progress Report, the report examines the effects of the euro crisis, the “Arab Spring”, the Cyprus Issue and the Gezi Park protests on the future of Turkey-EU relations and draws conclusions on what is needed to be done by both sides for a constructive re-engagement between Turkey and the EU. Bu çalışma, Avrupa Birliği(AB) Türkiye Delegasyonu’ndan Aycan Akdeniz tarafından hazırlanmıştır. Rapor Türkiye-AB ilişkilerinin tıkanma noktasına geldiği bir dönemin ardından son gelişmeler ışığında ortaya çıkan “temkinli iyimserlik” ortamını değerlendirmektedir. 22. Başlık’ın Fransa’nın vetosunu kaldırmasıyla açıldığı ve 16. İlerleme Raporu’nun yayımlandığı bir dönemde yazılan bu rapor euro krizi, “Arap Baharı”, Kıbrıs sorunu ve Gezi protestolarının Türkiye-AB ilişkileri ve ilişkilerinin geleceği üzerinde etkisini ve bu ilişkilerin güçlenmesi için tarafların ne yapması gerektiğini incelemektedir.

2019-07-25T17:21:42+03:00, |

On The New Vision for the Egyptian Foreign Policy After the Revolution

Dr. Amr Darrag is the member of the Executive Board and the Chairperson of the Foreign Relations Committee of the Freedom and Justice Party (FJP) in Egypt. In his article “On The New Vision for the Egyptian Foreign Policy After the Revolution” he shares his party’s visions for a prosperous and stabilized Egypt. As a member of the Party, Dr.Darrag provides a roadmap with main foreign policy objectives to achieve an imperative role in the international arena. The article also sheds light on the Egypt-Turkey partnership for their development in the economic and political platforms. Dr.Amr Darrag, Mısır’daki Özgürlük ve Adalet Partisi’nin yürütme kurulu üyesi ve partinin Dış İlişkiler Komitesi başkanıdır. “On the New Vision for the Egyptian Foreign Policy After the Revolution” başlıklı makalesinde kalkınmış ve istikrarlı bir Mısır için partisinin ortaya koyduğu vizyonu paylaşmaktadır. Aynı zamanda partinin bir üyesi olarak, uluslararası alanda önemli ve kalıcı bir aktör olmak yolunda izlenecek temel dış politika hedefleri için bir yol haritası sunmaktadır. Makale ekonomik ve siyasi platformlarda Mısır-Türkiye arasındaki ilişkilerin geliştirilmesi için de öneriler içermektedir. Makale yalnızca İngilizce olarak yayınlanmıştır.

2019-07-25T19:36:01+03:00, |

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