The Perception of Turkey in the Middle East 2011

2 February 2012

This report contains the findings of TESEV Foreign Policy Programme’s third survey of the perception of Turkey in the Middle East. Conducted by KA Research in 16 countries between October 19th and December 15th, the survey questioned 2323 people by telephone or face to face. As in previous years, the survey contains striking results.

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The Perception of Turkey in the Middle East 20112019-07-25T17:56:51+03:00

Despite falls in some countries, Syria and Iran being the most significant, the general perception of Turkey in the region has not changed fundamentally. In fact of the countries that regional opinion was sought, Turkey has surpassed even Saudi Arabia into first place with 78% of the region having a favourable opinion of it.

The conclusions are similar to those in previous years. However, there are some results relating to the ‘Arab Spring’ that should be noted here.

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